
Showing posts from 2009

LAN Party - Spring 2009

After a few weeks off, we had a Lan Party at Joe's place. We try to have one about every 6 months, but I think it's been over a year since the last one. We had a pretty good turn out; I think we have about 14 there at one time, but a few overall. We focused on a few classic games and we had a great time. About 5 of us were still up at 3am. Alien Versus Predator 2 We started with AVP2. This is an older game and you can see the dating by the graphics. It still offered some "new to us" play styles that kept us all coming back for more for several hours. I think the favorite mode was Survivor. In this mode, there is a Survivor race (default is Human), and Mutate race (default is Alien). At the start of the game all players are Human, and each player receives a prompt to kill their neighbor. The first Human to die then turns into an Alien and Survivor mode starts. Once Survivor mode starts, the goal of each human is to stay alive and kill Aliens. The goal of the...

Final Fantasy X - Visiting Crusaders Camp

As Joe and I try to do every weekend or every other weekend, we planned to get together tonight to play some games and catch up on things. It was a long week for both of us, but we congregated for the sake of gaming none the less.  Continuing the  FFX  story at Myths house, we make our way through the rest of  Mi'ihen  Highroad. This led to a Crusaders camp where we could rent a  Chocobo. In order to get all the items, we walked all the way to the end of a southeastern road and then also took a  Chocobo  there. One of the items accessible by  Chocobo  was the Mars Crest which is used to unlock someone's Ultimate Weapon. Once past the Crusaders camp, we traveled through Mushroom Rock. This is where things got a little slow. Myth and I cat napped intermittently as we traversed this section. I hope we got all the chests and hidden items ;) We pwned (killed with extreme prejudice) the Sinspawn at the Command Center and recei...

Final Fantasy X Guide #1 - Blitzball Tips

Blitzball is fun and challenging, but can also be frustrating. Recently we found out some tips and tricks that we would like to share will all of you. If you have some more, please leave them in the comments. Thanks! Resetting Tournament Prizes with save states If a save state is made just before the Tournament becomes available, it's pretty easy to restore and then force a different set of prizes. Continue checking the  Blitzball  Tournament until its no longer available. Between checking you can wait, run in circles, or zone back and forth. Once the Tournament is NOT available, zone and come back an make a save state just before checking the sphere. Now check the sphere. If the Tournament is not available, then zone again, save state next to sphere, and then check again. Continue this until the Tournament IS available. This is the most important step.  Now that you know the Tournament will be available just after this save state, we didn't want to lose th...

Final Fantasy X - Traveling Mi'ihen Highroad

This weekend we got together at Tryn's house and continued on where we left off with FFX . We got together Saturday because Myth was a slacker and had a bad night Saturday. It all worked out as my son was sick and needed to borrow his nebulizer , so he brought that over on Saturday. Friday I was pretty busy as well, installing Ursus ' new motherboard that had just arrived from Gigabyte. Ursus ' and I watched Terminator episodes and played Too Human for the Xbox 360 while he copied a bunch of TV and Movies to his newly fixed computer. On Saturday Myth and I continued the Final Fantasy X main story a bit and traveled down the Mi'ihen Highroad. One thing we noticed that was confusing about the guide is it lists all the items you can get by talking to the travelers, but it does not list them in order or show them on the map. One of the items was our first Level 1 Key Sphere to unlock a node on the Sphere Grid. We traveled up and down the first couple paths a few times ...

Final Fantasy X - Blitzball Leveling

Last Friday we played Final Fantasy X ( FFX)  on my PC at Joe's place. This was the second night that we have played this on my gaming rig. We played through this game a few years ago on the Playstation 2 (PS2) but we were unable to unlock all the Ultimate Weapons due to time constraints (and steady hands). Since I now had a gaming rig that allowed us to play PS2 games at 100-300 FPS, we decided to go back through it again. This will be my 3rd time through this game. I was actually playing  FFX  when I was living in the apartments where I met Joe back in 2001. Gosh, that seems like so long ago. We focused on Blitzball  tonight, leveling up our players to learn Key Techs and other Techs. I soon realize that we needed a strategy for organizing the Techs we have learned for each player, as well as some aids to help quickly determine where to position a player that wanted to learn a tech from a LF (Left Front) or RD (Right Defense). I started workin...

FF Game Night Inauguration

W00t! First post on our FF Game Night Blog! In this blog Joe and Mark will post editorials on their gaming sessions, game reviews, and guides. The main purpose is to have a place to document our time with these games for both the reader's benefit and our own. I look forward to visiting older posts years later. Articles you will see on this blog: Game Sessions Gam e Guides Resources in Excel or Word to organize data from the Games Screenshots and m ovies from our Game Nights I hope you enjoy the time spent on this blog.  Happy Game Nights!