LAN Party - Spring 2009
After a few weeks off, we had a Lan Party at Joe's place. We try to have one about every 6 months, but I think it's been over a year since the last one. We had a pretty good turn out; I think we have about 14 there at one time, but a few overall. We focused on a few classic games and we had a great time. About 5 of us were still up at 3am.
Once Survivor mode starts, the goal of each human is to stay alive and kill Aliens. The goal of the Alien is to kill Humans, which will then turn into Aliens. This continues on and there are fewer and fewer humans left, and more and more aliens hunting them. Eventually, there is only 1 Human left and all the rest aliens. The round ends when the last human is killed.
I focused on creating a snipping Mech that had a lot of damage at a long range, but could only shoot those guns every couple of seconds. I did great while playing team matches, but once we moved to a smaller map and played deathmatch, I didn't do so great. We only played Mechs for 1-2 hours but it was a good experience. I am glad Brandon thought of it.
I ran this server on my Game PC and of course, I had to start out my favorite map. All the others were still playing Mech 4 accept Derek, so we both snuck into the next game, BF1942. I loaded up Omaha beach, and set it up to be all Bots (NPCs) controlling the beach and hill, vs Derek and I storming the beach. It was 30 against 2 and we still managed to take the first 2 flags. We had a hold on the first hill, but it was thin. We fought back and forth on the 2nd flag a bit until we started to get reinforcements.
Others heard us playing bf1942 and wanted in on the action. As more and more people joined, the scales tipped enough we were able to storm the second hill with a few tanks and take the 3rd (last) flag. Once this was taken it was just a matter of finding the last enemies alive. When there were taken out the tickets plummeted and we won.
We ran many other maps, tweaking the settings every couple of maps to make it harder. We continued to use the PC vs NPC settings and played each map 2x. The first time we would win after some struggles, and then the second time we would come in and lay the smackdown since we knew the drill. It was a blast. We continued playing this as people slowing packed up and took off. Finally about 3am the last 5 of us called it a night.
The games we have talked about for the next Lan Party:
Counter-Strike Source
Unreal Tournament 2004
Civilization IV
Happy Game Nights!
Alien Versus Predator 2
We started with AVP2. This is an older game and you can see the dating by the graphics. It still offered some "new to us" play styles that kept us all coming back for more for several hours. I think the favorite mode was Survivor. In this mode, there is a Survivor race (default is Human), and Mutate race (default is Alien). At the start of the game all players are Human, and each player receives a prompt to kill their neighbor. The first Human to die then turns into an Alien and Survivor mode starts.Once Survivor mode starts, the goal of each human is to stay alive and kill Aliens. The goal of the Alien is to kill Humans, which will then turn into Aliens. This continues on and there are fewer and fewer humans left, and more and more aliens hunting them. Eventually, there is only 1 Human left and all the rest aliens. The round ends when the last human is killed.
Mech Warrior 4: Mercenaries
Now, this was a little different for many of us, including me. I had never played any of the Mech Warrior series so I had no expectations. It was a slower and more calculated game and required a lot more work between rounds to tweak out the Mech to find the right play style. It was pretty fun playing something different and new.I focused on creating a snipping Mech that had a lot of damage at a long range, but could only shoot those guns every couple of seconds. I did great while playing team matches, but once we moved to a smaller map and played deathmatch, I didn't do so great. We only played Mechs for 1-2 hours but it was a good experience. I am glad Brandon thought of it.
Battlefield 1942: Desert Combat

Others heard us playing bf1942 and wanted in on the action. As more and more people joined, the scales tipped enough we were able to storm the second hill with a few tanks and take the 3rd (last) flag. Once this was taken it was just a matter of finding the last enemies alive. When there were taken out the tickets plummeted and we won.

Next Lan Party
We are already talking about the next LAN party. A few things we want to do differently is to plan out the party and send an official email a month in advance.The games we have talked about for the next Lan Party:
Counter-Strike Source
Unreal Tournament 2004
Civilization IV
Happy Game Nights!
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