Skyrim Guide #1 - Getting a Head Start at Level 1


My background 

In 2014, I was given money for a computer game from my parents. At first, I chose Titanfall, as I loved the run and gun mechanics, as well as the parkour and titans. But after realizing that the old laptop I was using didn't have enough USB ports to plug a mouse and external HDD into, I decided to take the game back, and get a smaller game that didn't need the external HDD. I looked up and down the aisle until I found Skyrim Legendary Edition. I purchased the game, and have loved it since. To this date, I have logged almost 500 hours into the game, and I plan to expand upon that.

Skyrim Tips and Tricks Synopsis

 This tips and tricks series will be me sharing my experience with the game, and how you can get ahead in some areas that you maybe didn't know before. I'll be teaching you things from how to get level 100 conjuring in under an hour, to getting loot from a secret chest that can only be found by glitching the game. So sit back, grab a beer, and enjoy the ride.

Whiterun Skyforge Chest Glitch

What is this glitch?

You may be wondering, what exactly this glitch does. Essentially, you will be traveling to the city of Whiterun, the first major city you encounter in the game, should you follow the main storyline. In past Elder Scrolls games, every major and minor city were included in the world, meaning you could enter and exit them without loading screens. But with the addition of Oblivion to the Elder Scrolls series, Bethesda Game Studios chose a different design choice. Instead of having the cities and the world all one cell, or loading area, they made each city their own cell. What this means, is that when entering a city, everything except the visible world outside the city gets unloaded. That means, if you had a horse outside the city, it won't show up if you go inside the city and manage to find a way to see outside the walls. Thankfully, this design choice also gives way for glitching. Underneath the Skyforge in the Wind district, there is a hidden chest that can only be found by glitching out of the outer walls, and out of the city. Many of the collision areas will no longer be there, allowing you to literally walk through the ground and underneath the Skyforge to gain access to thousands of gold in items inside the chest.

Step 1: Getting out of the city

In order to get to the chest, we first have to get our character out of the city without using the front gates to exit the cell entirely. To do this, we need to make our way to the gate, take a left through a corridor, then an immediate right. You should see a Barrel alone in a small room. like this:

After entering the room, jump onto the barrel, and sprint onto the ledge to the right. It's pretty tricky so it might take a few tries.

After completing this troublesome task, you should find yourself facing the back of the gate:

Step 2: Getting back in

Congratulations, you are now out of the city! Don't worry though, you can get back inside. Now, if you turn to your right, and run along the side of the wall, you can make your way to the back of the Skyforge. You'll want to find a pile of rocks by the wall, and walk into them, clipping through the wall and underneath the Skyforge:

Now that you've made it underneath the Skyforge, the chest is now visible and accessible. However, there is a dip underneath the chest, that while standing there, you are too far away to enter the chest. To use the chest, walk and jump at the chest, and the interact button until the chest opens. Collect as many items as you want, and don't worry about the weight, as you can sell it in a nearby shop after getting out.

Step 3: Getting out of the glitch and into town

Now that you've stuffed yourself full of items (which won't be marked as stolen), you can now make your way out of the glitch, and to the nearest shop where you can sell all your "collected" items. Simply back up the way you came, turn a bit to face Jorrvaskr, then walk along the edge, pressing jump as you go along, and you'll pop right out:

Step 4: Enjoy your riches

Congratulations! You've hopefully successfully completed this guide without unnecessary harm to a skeever. Enjoy your well-earned loot, and continue on through your journey as the Dragonborn.

Will there be more?

This is just one, of many guides I will be posting to this blog. If you have any questions on anything I've said or demonstrated, please feel free to comment below.


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