Final Fantasy XII - Hunting in Paramina Rift
Good evening, and welcome to this blog version of a Let's Play for Final Fantasy XII. I am very excited tonight because I have not blogged a game session in a while, and I am looking forward to it.
We are continuing our playthrough of Final Fantasy XII, which is a fantastic game, by the way. One of the things I love about Final Fantasy XII it feels like this massive open game, like Final Fantasy XI the (an MMO). The monsters are already visible on screen, so there are no random encounters. The maps, zones, and camera all have a similar feel to FFXI as well. Another cool feature is that if you want to play tactically, the game pauses each time you start to select an action for a character. While paused, you still have control to spin the camera around the character or switch to another character for their point of view on the battle, and to select from their actions.
The version of the game we are playing is Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age. This is the HD Remaster that came out on the PlayStation 4 July 11th, 2017. This is our 10th FFXII session with this version. The original game came out for the PS2 back in 2006. It was actually the last Final Fantasy game on the PS2, as the next installment (FFXIII) was released on PS3 and Xbox 360. I believe this is our third playthrough of the FFXII game. We originally played through it on the PS2, then a few years later we played through the International Zodiac Edition on a PC using a PS2 emulator.
In the Mood
Booting up FFXII, we listen to the music a bit and load our last save file. Sometimes during the day, I'll load up the title screen hours before our game session starts just to get in the mood and build anticipation. Other times I'll bring up a Final Fantasy playlist on Google Play Music or YouTube and just jam out all day in preparation.Ragnarok
Now that we are prepped and ready, we take a detour to test out a recent 4K Bluray purchase that was having trouble the previous weekend. Thor Ragnarok 4K Bluray froze 4 times in a row during a particular scene. It was playing on an Xbox One S. Not having another 4K player at the time, the question is whether the issue was with the disc or the player.We are testing out the same disc on an Xbox One X now to see if we encounter the same issue. The first thing we notice is how good this movie looks in 4K HDR in full glory. Great job Marvel!
We jump to the same scene that had the issue on the Xbox One S, which is just as the ship with the Asgard refugees is taking off from Asgard. The video froze again at the same spot, but the sound continued for a while, and then eventually the app crashed to the Xbox One home screen. This is the exact same result on the Xbox One S, so we now expect the issue to be with the disc. Time to get that baby swapped out!
Recap of Last Week
The next order of business is to refresh our memory on what we accomplished the last session. Reviewing our guide, we confirm we explored the Paramina Rift last session. This was a new zone for us, and we found that many of the chests had gear and weapons. We farmed chests for several hours until we had at least one of every item, more if they were upgrades to our current gear.As we finished the session, we headed back to the hometown of Rabanastre to check in with all shops, hunt board, clan hall, and clan shop. We saved it there in the South Gate.
Check In With Shops Periodically
Sometimes new items or hunts will become available after certain storyline elements or some other criteria, so it's a good idea to check in with them periodically.
Session Plan for Tonight
For tonight's session, we need to come to a consensus on what our plans are. We review our options: the main story, explore the optional area “The Feywood”, or work on some of the hunts that we currently have active. We decide to work on the hunts, but are leaving the option open for exploring The Feywod afterward. With book in hand and wiki at our fingertips, its Game On Time!
The Dead Ought Sleep Forever
1st up is hunt #12 - The Dead Ought Sleep Forever - This is a level 24 hunt for Ixtab. This should be pretty easy since our party is currently level 31-35.The Fast Forward feature of this game sure makes it nice for getting around areas quickly, as long as you don’t end up spinning the camera and going in circles. We have the fast forward option set to 4x instead of 2x, so when we turn it on with Left Bumper (LB), it can get pretty tricky to keep your running straight. This is a great feature but due to the frame drops during the fast forward, you may feel a bit clumsy when trying to run straight.
For this hunt we teleport from Rabanastre (where we ended our session last week) to Henne Mines (Staging Shaft). From there we head north one screen to Ore Separation, west to the North Entrance, then south through the Pithead Junction. Almost there now, we run southeast to the corner of the Phase 1 Shaft. Ixtab doesn't carry any rare items that we are interested in so full speed ahead.
Stealing Rare Items
As completionists, Joe and I are usually trying to collect all unique items. This is especially true for rare mobs and hunts, as they typically have rare items. Many times you will have to fight a monster over and over until you are able to get the rare drop or steal. If it's a one time only monster, then another option is to save before the fight, if you don't get the item you want you can reload the save and try again. |
Ixtab is a pushover with our party, and the fight is over pretty quickly. The only catch is the Vaan, our leader, is stuck with DOOM status. What item removes Doom?!? We have a few remedies but are unsure which of our characters have the remedy lore to remove Doom, so we let him die. Besides, our Gambits are all set up so Penelo raises him right back up right anyway.
If you are not familiar with FFXII, it has a system that allows you to build a sort of artificial intelligence for your party members. You can still manually choose actions for each of your party members or let them act automatically based on the rules you set up. These rules are called Gambits. At the beginning of the game you can only set up a few simple rules for each character, but then later both the number and complexity of the rules increase. For instance, a simple list of gambits could be:
This system is more complex than explained here and can be quite powerful. Square Enix rocks for building a system like this. My only complaint is that you can't save Gambits. As you go to new areas and fight bosses you change them. Then as you move on there is no way to restore them. It's back to the drawing board each time. |
"My only complaint is that you can't save Gambits."
"It's back to the drawing board each time."
Crime and Punishment
2nd up: Hunt #35 - Crime And Punishment - This is a level 31 hunt for Orthos.Orthos is hiding at the bottom of the Garamsythe Waterways, which is underneath Rabanastre. Still in the Hene Mines, we backtrack to the crystal and teleport back to Rabanastre and make our way to the Garamsythe Waterways.
The Garamsythe Waterways is truly a maze. The waterway controls in the Central Waterway change the water level all throughout the maze, blocking paths that were previously open, and creating new paths that weren't there a moment ago. Even if you do have the map (which we don’t), it's tricky getting around. It reminds me of the maze in the movie Labyrinth, but with water canal.
We were here just a few weeks ago for the White Mouse hunt, which was located in the West Sluice Control. Since we are familiar with that route, we decide to head that way using the same pathway. West to the outer wall, then following the outside walls along the west and south of the waterway.
Along the way, we are pleasantly surprised by the Record Breaker trophy. It sure looked cool, but we had no clue what we were being rewarded for and had to look it up. "Obtain 500,000 Clan Points" it said. We must have killed some "rare game" along the way that kicked our clan points over 500,000. Turns out it also unlocked another character in Sky Pirate's Den, Reks. He's there chilling on the couch.
Returning our attention to fighting Orthos, we look up his stats and loot table. With 87,000 hit points, he should be a bit more of a challenge than our last fight. He also has a fairly rare item, Slime Oil (3% steal chance). We do like our rare loot, so we come up with a plan to save at the crystal just before fighting. Luckily there is a save crystal just east of the fight area. With a recent save, we can reload over and over until we get the Slime Oil.
We run across the spawn area quickly to make it to the save crystal on the other side, and then we noticed that it didn't spawn! Upon further research, Orthos won't even show it's ugly mug unless you have an all female party. Putting our females on the front lines, we prepare for the battle.
Reviewing our notes on Orthos it’s best to use Dispel, Blind, Shear, and then fire magicks (Fira, Firaga, etc.). We don’t have Blind or Shear, but we do have some Fira on a few characters. The advice on Dispel is good, but the reset is not needed unless you are underpowered.
Entering the battle with Orthos, we get a successful steal within just a few turns. Instead of the Slime Oil though we get Caramel. Suddenly losing our appetite for reloading our save repeatedly, we push on with the fight. Honestly, with a 3% steal rate, it could be over 30 reloads to get the rare item; that's just too much time spent farming for a consumable item.
Dispel finally sticks, and this makes a noticeable difference in the battle. Again we choose not to use fire magicks and are just bombarding it with physical attacks. We're chipping away at its life consistently until at one point it's just about at 10% HP. All of a sudden some super defense kicks in and things really start to slow down. Our blows that were doing 1,500 damage are now only doing 300. Even with this slowdown, Orthos’ time finally came… and went. It seemed as though the last 9% took almost as long as the first 90%.
Returning to the petitioner (Contrite Thief), we give back the stolen articles acquired from Orthos, and then receive a handsome reward!
Hitting up the Guild shop after turning in the hunt, we are quite surprised to find a new accessory for sale: The Cat-Ear Hood. This nifty little item converts your license points to gil as you earn them. This is a great item to invest in soon as we only have a dozen or so licenses left to unlock for each grid class now. Once the rest of the licenses are unlocked we won’t have a need for License Points (LP), so we can happily convert them to cash (Gil). The Cat-Ear Hoods are quite expensive! At 50,000 gil each, and a need for 3 of them, that's 150,000 gil! We have 168,000 gil now... let's move on and wait till our license boards are filled out. Hopefully, we'll have a little more gil at that time.
We have tried to make progress on this hunt during at least one other session but failed. It's not possible to progress this quest unless you get the right weather in Giza Plains; Rain. Due to this, we will be doing everything in our power to get this one completed and off the books.
Heading out to Giza Plains, we have high hopes that tonight we will get it right. Another hot slap in the face as we zone in and find dry heat instead of rain. I frustratedly zone in and out several times hoping for a change, but nothing but sun. Researching this a bit we confirm that the Giza Plains weather changes on a cycle based on the game time clock. The cycle is 2 hours of dry followed by 1 hour of rain. If you visited the Giza Plains often and made a log of the weather, it is possible to build a chart and predict when it will rain.
Instead, we find a less accurate but easier plan; speaking to a Seeq in Rabanastre South Gate that is keen on the weather. After several conversations, he changes his name to "Weather Eye" and tells us details about the weather pattern in Giza. He advises us that it just became dry weather. Since the dry weather last 2 hours, we move onto other tasks; we'll come back in a while and hope for worse weather (when can you actually say that in life). Time to move on to another hunt.
Stopping by the hunt board, we pick up several new hunts to start working on:
Suffice to say, the fight didn't last that long with Feral Retriever. At least we were able to steal the rare Quality Pelt. The whole thing happened so fast I didn't get to snap any pictures.
Dispel finally sticks, and this makes a noticeable difference in the battle. Again we choose not to use fire magicks and are just bombarding it with physical attacks. We're chipping away at its life consistently until at one point it's just about at 10% HP. All of a sudden some super defense kicks in and things really start to slow down. Our blows that were doing 1,500 damage are now only doing 300. Even with this slowdown, Orthos’ time finally came… and went. It seemed as though the last 9% took almost as long as the first 90%.
- Blackened Fragment
- 3800 gil
- Horakhty’s Flame
- Unpurified Ether
"... the last 9% took almost as long as the first 90%."
Hitting up the Guild shop after turning in the hunt, we are quite surprised to find a new accessory for sale: The Cat-Ear Hood. This nifty little item converts your license points to gil as you earn them. This is a great item to invest in soon as we only have a dozen or so licenses left to unlock for each grid class now. Once the rest of the licenses are unlocked we won’t have a need for License Points (LP), so we can happily convert them to cash (Gil). The Cat-Ear Hoods are quite expensive! At 50,000 gil each, and a need for 3 of them, that's 150,000 gil! We have 168,000 gil now... let's move on and wait till our license boards are filled out. Hopefully, we'll have a little more gil at that time.
License Board
FFXII has its own system of character progression. They do things differently, as we typically see in each installment of Final Fantasy. This time around instead of the Sphere Grid from FFX or Materia from FFVII, we have the license board. As you fight monsters, your characters gain experience (EXP) and License Points (LP). The characters LP is spent on their License Board to activate Licenses (skills, HP, ability to use better equipment, etc.).The License Board is actually similar to the Sphere Gride; when a license is activated the licenses nearby are unlocked for activation next. Each character will eventually have two License Boards, one for each class. |
Paradise Risen
3rd up: Hunt #36 - Paradise Risen - This is a level 37 hunt for Gil Snapper.We have tried to make progress on this hunt during at least one other session but failed. It's not possible to progress this quest unless you get the right weather in Giza Plains; Rain. Due to this, we will be doing everything in our power to get this one completed and off the books.
Heading out to Giza Plains, we have high hopes that tonight we will get it right. Another hot slap in the face as we zone in and find dry heat instead of rain. I frustratedly zone in and out several times hoping for a change, but nothing but sun. Researching this a bit we confirm that the Giza Plains weather changes on a cycle based on the game time clock. The cycle is 2 hours of dry followed by 1 hour of rain. If you visited the Giza Plains often and made a log of the weather, it is possible to build a chart and predict when it will rain.
Instead, we find a less accurate but easier plan; speaking to a Seeq in Rabanastre South Gate that is keen on the weather. After several conversations, he changes his name to "Weather Eye" and tells us details about the weather pattern in Giza. He advises us that it just became dry weather. Since the dry weather last 2 hours, we move onto other tasks; we'll come back in a while and hope for worse weather (when can you actually say that in life). Time to move on to another hunt.
Stopping by the hunt board, we pick up several new hunts to start working on:
- Befoulment of the Beast - Level 28 hunt for Feral Retriever
- Paramina Run - Level 44 hunt for Trickster
- Antlion Infestation - Level 37 hunt for Antlion
Befoulment of the Beast
We just now realize that we lucked out! Both the petitioners are in the same town, and both the monsters are in the same general area (Paramina Rift). Heading over to the Mt. Bur-Omisace, we chat it up with both petitioners and get ready to hunt. Once in Paramina Rift and saving at the crystal, we intend to head towards the Trickster. Taking off west from the save, we run smack into a special monster. Wow, that was fast! We already found Trickster. Anxious about this ensuing fight with a monster 10 levels above me, we fumble with my controller trying to disable the fast forward. Then we do a double take as it's HP is dropping considerably faster than expected... whats going here? How is the level 44 monster so weak? Then it hits us; we were supposed to go east from the save crystal to find Trickster, but we went west and ran into the Feral Retriever instead (level 28).Suffice to say, the fight didn't last that long with Feral Retriever. At least we were able to steal the rare Quality Pelt. The whole thing happened so fast I didn't get to snap any pictures.
Paramina Run
Okay, Trickster, now it's your turn. Expecting this fight to be a bit tougher, we stop by the save crystal again.Heading east this time (Joe is driving now, I may be directionally challenged), we locate the spot where we expect Trickster to spawn, but it's nowhere to be found. We zone in and out a few times, but it doesn't help… hrmm. Running back up to Mt. Bur-Omisace, we zone back to the Frozen Bank from this side (the north). Turns out that he will not appear unless you enter the Paramina Rift: Frozen Bank from the north. There's also an NPC Monid that says something to us regarding the hunt. Zoning in and out, we finally get the response from him signifying the hunt is ready: "it's time". Apparently, the mark also spawns for the response “it’s getting close now”.
Trickster, I know your tricks (or so we thought)! Spawning him was only a portion of the work; turns out that Trickster loves to disappear during the fight, and especially loves to run away just as you wind up for a bit hit. He is being quite a pain, jumping all over the place. Man, we're wishing for that “Bind” spell from FFXI right about now. Checking our spells, we do find and queue up the immobilize spell. Darn it though: he is “IMMUNE” as the message tells us.
Penelo’s MP is running pretty low as she is curing a lot to keep the party alive. Man, this Trickster is hitting like a Mack truck! We quickly toss over a few Ethers to keep her up and running as the healer (she is tossing out Cura’s one after the other). We whittle Trickster down to about the 10% mark. It won't be long now. Just after that thought, everything changed; Trickster triggers the "Pailing" status, which apparently gives it full immunity to physical attacks because all of a sudden we are hitting for zero!.Thinking we are smarter than this monster, we kick off a Quickening to finish of Trickster quickly.
Quickenings in Final Fantasy XII are similar to Limit Breaks from other Final Fantasy games. They are more powerful attacks that characters can use, but only once in a while. In FFXII, when you kick off a quickening, each character in your active party may have a chance to add their own quickening attack to the first. This is called a chain. The more you chain, the more damage is done (the damage is not dealt until all the chain is complete). It also becomes harder to chain after 4 to 5 attacks have been chained, as you get increasingly less time to select the correct buttons. When you fail to add another attack in time, the final "form" form and bonus damage for the Quickening is added based on the number and type of attacked chained. Then the final damage is calculated. |
Alas, our quickening stalled out because the character just died right before kicking off. Trickster is in some mad rage, attacking extremely quickly and for increased damage. Our party was falling quickly; as soon as we would revive one character, another would die. Back and forth, slowly losing the battle, till eventually it was a full party wipe. We just can't keep up with the onslaught of damage that Trickster is doling out. He must be in some Berserk mode that must have kicked off around the time the Pailing did. We are not out of the game yet though, as we still have our backup partly. Pulling them in we kick off their Quickening right away and get a full 5 chain Quickening: Inferno.
Party Swapping
The FFXII party makeup consists of six total members (once you unlock all the main characters). Only three of them can be in your active party at a time. You can swap out your characters at any time unless that character is currently performing an action. If all of your active party members are dead, you have to swap in at least one character that's alive to continue. |
Okay, now what!!! Our Quickening did NO damage, and the Trickster that was almost dead actually has a little more life. Looks like Vaan's weapon that has an Aero status that's healing it sometimes. How come the Quickening did no damage...? Well, it seems that the Trickster's Pailing that blocks physical damage even blocks Quickening damage. Seriously, that's crazy. Ultimate attacks in Final Fantasy games such as Quickenings and Limits Breaks are generally thought of as "Get Out of Jail Free cards" ... and they do NO damage to the Trickster at all?
Physical attacks are still hitting for nothing. Time to regroup!
We can't stand around and wait out the Pailing status effect to wear off, so we think to set up some non-elemental but non-physical attacks. Also, we'll set up some elemental gambits on Basch based on testing for weaknesses. These Gambits should only cast the element that Trickster is weak to, in theory. If we are wrong, it will heal him instead; probably for some substantial amounts. Trickster is weak to one elemental magic at a time, but randomly rotates it's weakness each time it's hit with its weakness.
We set up Numerology and Traveler techniques for the other two characters. Entering back into the fray, we can't even get a single attack off; the party is so busy healing and reviving allies... this is not looking good. We manually select at least one Numerology and Traveler techniques, and feel the pit in our stomach when we see "IMMUNE"!. We just can’t seem to do ANY damage with the Pailing status on Trickster. And its damage output is so high that we can’t even keep the party alive long enough for Pailing to wear off (we read it will eventually wear off). Party wiped again, including the backup party. GAME OVER!!!
Game Over
FFXII like most classic Final Fantasy games will give the player a Game Over screen when all of their characters are dead. Once you receive this screen, you must return to the title screen and load a save. Hopefully, you have a recent one so that you don’t lose hours of gameplay. |
This is not a screen that Joe and I see very often, but it happened because we got ourselves over our head.
At least we have a recent save, thank goodness. At this point, we are not quite discouraged enough to give up. Had we waited too long to initiate the Quickening? Maybe if we kick it off sooner before the Pailing goes up we can still get this done. Yeah!! Let's give this one another try.
Off to pick a fight with Trickster again, this time kicking off the Quickenings at about 15% life, and BAM! It does almost 12,000 damage. Already celebrating a bit, we try to calm down and re-focus. Trickster isn't dead yet though and has about 5% life. Since the backup party still has their Quickenings, we bring them in as quickly as possible and move right into casting their Quickening. Shockingly, the quickening does ZERO damage!!! Just like on our previous attempt, Trickster must have put up his rotten Pailing up before we realized it.
Once again the Trickster is virtually immune to all damage, and attacking us crazy fast; killing our team members left and right. Along with the fast attacking, Trickster is mixing in doses of "Choco Comet", a full party wipe again is the outcome. GAME OVER AGAIN!!!
This level 44 Trickster hunt is not just in the cards for us right now. We will come back for revenge as soon as we get a bit stronger.
Hopping over to Mt. Bur-Omisace, we quickly turn in the Befoulment of the Beast hunt to the petitioner and then move on to our next hunt.
Antlion Infestation
Antlion Infestation is hunt for a level 37 monster, Antlion. Our party is a bit over 35 now, so it should be a bit more doable than Trickster. For this hunt we are trying to rescue Niray’s children and restore peace to Bhujerba.Antlion is lurking in the Lhusu Mines, which we haven't been to for quite some time. Acquiring a Level 3 Site Key from Niray, this should allow us to explore further into the Lhusu Mines than before. The mines are connected to the northeast section of Bhujerba, so we speedrun there and enter the mines.
The Level 3 Site Key opens a gate in the northern Site 2 zone. Once through this gate and into Site 3, the enemies get much tougher. Taking on 1 or 2 at a time is doable, but three at a time is getting extremely tough. Working hard to keep from getting mobbed, we struggle to only fight one or two at a time.
Tweaking the Gambits a little, we set up Vaan with his new Revive skill. This should work like Raise and Phoenix Downs to bring back a dead ally to life, right? In the next battle, we did actually lose our Heale Penelo. Vaan used his Revive technique... and then died?!? What? Okay okay, this may seem silly, but what is the point of bringing one of your allies to life by killing another? Hrmm.. maybe if the healer died and it was imperative to bring them back with a damage dealer class... yeah I guess I can see that. For now, we're turning off this little Gambit; I don't want Vaan dying on purpose :P
It’s now after 2am, and Joe and I are getting pretty tired. I see a save crystal in the next map over. To me, it sounds like a perfect time to save it and call it a night. Part of being a team though is sticking through the tough times, and the tired times. I dig deep, drink another swig of iced tea, and push on.
There are actually quite a few traps in the next section of Lhusu Mines. Joe and I are carefully avoiding the traps, and then are stunned when crazy Penelo just runs right over them. Laughing out loud now, she continues to disregard our careful pathing. Thankfully most the traps here are not too serious… so far.
Fighting our way through the new zones of Lhusu Mines, we reach the end of the final map and find the Antlion. Not researching ahead of time, we jump into battle full of confidence. We focus on killing the smaller Mantis monsters first. Just before we kill the first one, the Antlion cannibalizes it. Hrmm.. not sure what that is about, but we are already fighting the second Mantis. Again, the Antlion cannibalizes it just before its dead. This continues through the third Mantis. Turning our attention to the Antlion now, it's almost as if it has gotten stronger?!?! Let's just pause this game for a few minutes and check this out...
Sure enough: The fight did get tougher. The Antlion increases in level and strength for every enemy that it cannibalizes. Some notes advise “if it cannibalizes more than one enemy, turn tail and run”.
It’s not that we don’t trust what other people say, we just… okay, we don’t trust them. They may have good intentions but they don’t know the way we play. Yes, we did already receive two Game Over screens tonight, but that's not important now. Forging ahead, we are more than a little concerned with how slow the health is ticking down on the Antlion.
With determination, we struggle on. Thankfully we are continuing to make good progress, and more importantly, we are able to keep up with the party in good health. Even though Antlion has gained some levels from its initial 37, it's not doing as much damage as the level 44 Trickster.
With Antlion down to around 10% HP, it went into Rage mode and starts attacking so quickly our first party was KOed. Now we are worried; this feels awfully familiar, are we in for another full party wipe? We quickly bring in our 2nd line of defense (backup team) and cast a Quickening right away. This, my friends, killed Antlion. Now this calls for a celebration.
The children were saved! As they are being rescued, they talk of a Site 11 key just recently lost; dropped down a hole in the cave that "most certainly leads to the great sea". One of the children believes it may have washed up on a distant shore. That key will be a focus of a future quest for sure.
Backtracking to the teleport/save crystal, we hop back to Bhujerba and turn in the quest to Niray. Acquiring some awesome loot for our trouble, fist bumps are in order:
Its been a few hours so the weather may have changed there. Unwilling to close the evening without knowing for sure, we head over the Giza Plains to take in the local weather.
Arriving in Giza Plains, we are definitely getting wet! YES! We can finally talk to the petitioner and then fight the monster. For this hunt though, before you can find the Gil Snapper, you have to complete a task; creating a bridge over the overflowing rivers to another zone. This other zone is only accessible during the rain in Giza Plains, and only after creating this bridge. Running through each of the needed Giza Plains zones (6 of them in all), we find the dead trees and cut them down. Each one floats downstream towards its destination: the Tangled Wood.
We run over the new bridge, and into Tangle Wood. The Gil Napper is not to be found. Entering and exiting a few times actually changed the Tangled Wood weather from Rain to Heavy Rain, and Voila; the Gil Snapper is visible in the distance.
Starting up the fight with Dispel, we kill off its strong buffs quickly: Protect, Shell, and Haste. The rest of the fight is just trying to stay alive, and out from under its big feet. The bigger they are… the harder they fall. Vanquished --- and it did fall hard!
Heading over to the location of the petitioner, we find a note on a soggy bag instead: “Come find us in the Giza Village during dry weather”. It’s clearly still raining out, so we head north to Rabanastre to try to trigger the dry weather. Sadly, it’s still raining in Giza, and the Rabanastre Weather Eye advises that it’s not close to dry time. Looks like a great time to rest up and save the game. We are almost done with this hunt. Just one step left.
Half asleep now, I think Joe is going to run the circle in town to check for new hunts, shop items, clan hall rank ups, and clan store items. I am hoping the Clan Hall will give us a Clan Rank up; we are well over the 100,000 guild points required (remember the "Reks" Sky Pirate's Den icon we got for 500,000 points?). Instead, they are telling us that we have to complete a few more clan hall hunts before we can rank up.The probable reason we have over 500k clan hall points but still don't have enough hunts turned in; we are always searching for rare game in every zone we travel in.
Since we need to wait for the Giza Plains Dry Weather to proceed with the quest, it’s time to call this a wrap. It's been fun.
Happy Game Nights!.
p.s. yes, I know you can see us in the reflection :P
It’s now after 2am, and Joe and I are getting pretty tired. I see a save crystal in the next map over. To me, it sounds like a perfect time to save it and call it a night. Part of being a team though is sticking through the tough times, and the tired times. I dig deep, drink another swig of iced tea, and push on.
"... what is the point of bringing one of your allies to life by killing another?"
There are actually quite a few traps in the next section of Lhusu Mines. Joe and I are carefully avoiding the traps, and then are stunned when crazy Penelo just runs right over them. Laughing out loud now, she continues to disregard our careful pathing. Thankfully most the traps here are not too serious… so far.
FFXII zones are sometimes littered with hidden traps. These traps are triggered when you or any of your party walks over them. When triggered, the traps will poison, explode, or cause some other damage. Some traps are so powerful that they can wipe your entire party. Although these traps are invisible, there is a piece of equipment that will reveal them on the screen so they can be avoided; the Bangle. The Steel Poleyns accessory will not make the traps show up but will make a character immune to them. |
Fighting our way through the new zones of Lhusu Mines, we reach the end of the final map and find the Antlion. Not researching ahead of time, we jump into battle full of confidence. We focus on killing the smaller Mantis monsters first. Just before we kill the first one, the Antlion cannibalizes it. Hrmm.. not sure what that is about, but we are already fighting the second Mantis. Again, the Antlion cannibalizes it just before its dead. This continues through the third Mantis. Turning our attention to the Antlion now, it's almost as if it has gotten stronger?!?! Let's just pause this game for a few minutes and check this out...
Sure enough: The fight did get tougher. The Antlion increases in level and strength for every enemy that it cannibalizes. Some notes advise “if it cannibalizes more than one enemy, turn tail and run”.
It’s not that we don’t trust what other people say, we just… okay, we don’t trust them. They may have good intentions but they don’t know the way we play. Yes, we did already receive two Game Over screens tonight, but that's not important now. Forging ahead, we are more than a little concerned with how slow the health is ticking down on the Antlion.
With determination, we struggle on. Thankfully we are continuing to make good progress, and more importantly, we are able to keep up with the party in good health. Even though Antlion has gained some levels from its initial 37, it's not doing as much damage as the level 44 Trickster.
With Antlion down to around 10% HP, it went into Rage mode and starts attacking so quickly our first party was KOed. Now we are worried; this feels awfully familiar, are we in for another full party wipe? We quickly bring in our 2nd line of defense (backup team) and cast a Quickening right away. This, my friends, killed Antlion. Now this calls for a celebration.
The children were saved! As they are being rescued, they talk of a Site 11 key just recently lost; dropped down a hole in the cave that "most certainly leads to the great sea". One of the children believes it may have washed up on a distant shore. That key will be a focus of a future quest for sure.
Backtracking to the teleport/save crystal, we hop back to Bhujerba and turn in the quest to Niray. Acquiring some awesome loot for our trouble, fist bumps are in order:
- 4,300 Gil
- Bubble Belt - This sexy piece of equipment doubles the HP of the user wearing it. Can't wait to use it!
- Sickle-Blade
Paradise Risen again
Even though tired, we are encouraged by our win in the Lhusu Mines, and press on to revisit the hunt we just can't seem to complete: Paradise Risen. This was the one where we need "Rain to stay Mainly on the Giza Plains". :PIts been a few hours so the weather may have changed there. Unwilling to close the evening without knowing for sure, we head over the Giza Plains to take in the local weather.
Arriving in Giza Plains, we are definitely getting wet! YES! We can finally talk to the petitioner and then fight the monster. For this hunt though, before you can find the Gil Snapper, you have to complete a task; creating a bridge over the overflowing rivers to another zone. This other zone is only accessible during the rain in Giza Plains, and only after creating this bridge. Running through each of the needed Giza Plains zones (6 of them in all), we find the dead trees and cut them down. Each one floats downstream towards its destination: the Tangled Wood.
We run over the new bridge, and into Tangle Wood. The Gil Napper is not to be found. Entering and exiting a few times actually changed the Tangled Wood weather from Rain to Heavy Rain, and Voila; the Gil Snapper is visible in the distance.
Starting up the fight with Dispel, we kill off its strong buffs quickly: Protect, Shell, and Haste. The rest of the fight is just trying to stay alive, and out from under its big feet. The bigger they are… the harder they fall. Vanquished --- and it did fall hard!
Heading over to the location of the petitioner, we find a note on a soggy bag instead: “Come find us in the Giza Village during dry weather”. It’s clearly still raining out, so we head north to Rabanastre to try to trigger the dry weather. Sadly, it’s still raining in Giza, and the Rabanastre Weather Eye advises that it’s not close to dry time. Looks like a great time to rest up and save the game. We are almost done with this hunt. Just one step left.
Half asleep now, I think Joe is going to run the circle in town to check for new hunts, shop items, clan hall rank ups, and clan store items. I am hoping the Clan Hall will give us a Clan Rank up; we are well over the 100,000 guild points required (remember the "Reks" Sky Pirate's Den icon we got for 500,000 points?). Instead, they are telling us that we have to complete a few more clan hall hunts before we can rank up.The probable reason we have over 500k clan hall points but still don't have enough hunts turned in; we are always searching for rare game in every zone we travel in.
Since we need to wait for the Giza Plains Dry Weather to proceed with the quest, it’s time to call this a wrap. It's been fun.
In this session, we decided to work on hunts. We tackled:- Testing Ragnarok 4K Bluray
- The Dead Ought Sleep Forever
- A Chase Through the Woods
- Paradise Risen
- Befoulement of the Beast
- Paramin Run -- FAIL --
- Antlion Infestation
- Paradise Risen (just need to turn in)
Happy Game Nights!.
p.s. yes, I know you can see us in the reflection :P
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