Sea of Thieves - Beginners Game Guide
Hello viewers,
Unless you've been living under a rock for the past year or so, you have probably heard of a video game title being developed by Rare and Microsoft Studios called Sea of Thieves. It recently came out, and I've been playing to my heart's content. If there ever was a perfect pirate game, I'd have to give Sea of Thieves that title. However, there are some things that aren't exactly clear as there's no in-game tutorial. I'll be helping you out with that today.
Choosing your Pirate
If you've never played Sea of Thieves, it starts you off in a character creation, or rather, selection screen. You have a few pirates that you can choose from. While they don't impact gameplay, you'll want to pick the one that fits you, as all your friends and foes will see that when you strike them down or help them up.
Selecting your Vessel
Once you've picked out your pirate, you'll need to select the ship you want to sail the seas in. You can pick the Sloop, which is a small 1-2 man boat, or you can pick the Galleon, the large 3-4 man boat. The smaller boat is easier to manage but is more fragile.
Choosing your journey
Now that you've gotten a pirate and a ship, you'll want to buy a few voyages, which are essentially quests that offer rewards in gold and reputation. Gold allows you to purchase new weapons, tools, and cosmetics for your pirate, while Reputation allows you to level up. You can get them from either the Gold Hoarders, Order of Souls, or the Merchant Alliance. You can have a maximum of up to 3 voyages on your person at all times.
Sailing the Seas
After obtaining your voyage(s), you'll want to head to your ship, which can be found in the harbor. Simply board the ship by jumping on it. Now, in order to find out where you'll be going next, you'll need to find out the location of one of the voyages that you purchased. go into the main cabin area, and you'll find a world map. Disregard that for now. turn to your right and behind you a bit, and you'll see a small black table. Go up to it, and go through the process of selecting your voyage. Now that you've got a place to go, hold RB and select the map. Hold RT to hold it up. Remember the shape of the island that you see, and go to the world map table. Now you'll want to find that same island on the world map, and select it pressing A. Remember which direction you must sail in to reach your destination (ex. N, S, E, W).
Once you've done that, head back up to the main deck, and get to the steering wheel. This is where you'll find all the necessary things to sail your ship. to the right, you'll be able to change the length of the sail, increasing or decreasing speed. Behind you is the anchor, which when lowered, will make your ship instantly stop. and now, the wheel. It's important to know that when turning the wheel, the changes aren't noticeable until a small delay, depending on your speed.
Start your journey
I believe that's all that I can teach you. With the tools given, you can now sail the seas of Sea of Thieves, and find that treasure you rightly deserve!
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