Final Fantasy X - Visiting Crusaders Camp

As Joe and I try to do every weekend or every other weekend, we planned to get together tonight to play some games and catch up on things. It was a long week for both of us, but we congregated for the sake of gaming none the less. Continuing the FFX story at Myths house, we make our way through the rest of Mi'ihen Highroad. This led to a Crusaders camp where we could rent a Chocobo. In order to get all the items, we walked all the way to the end of a southeastern road and then also took a Chocobo there. One of the items accessible by Chocobo was the Mars Crest which is used to unlock someone's Ultimate Weapon. Once past the Crusaders camp, we traveled through Mushroom Rock. This is where things got a little slow. Myth and I cat napped intermittently as we traversed this section. I hope we got all the chests and hidden items ;) We pwned (killed with extreme prejudice) the Sinspawn at the Command Center and recei...