
Showing posts from March, 2018

Final Fantasy XII - Hunting in Paramina Rift

Good evening, and welcome to this blog version of a Let's Play for Final Fantasy XII. I am very excited tonight because I have not blogged a game session in a while, and I am looking forward to it. We are continuing our playthrough of Final Fantasy XII, which is a fantastic game, by the way. One of the things I love about Final Fantasy XII it feels like this massive open game, like Final Fantasy XI the (an MMO). The monsters are already visible on screen, so there are no random encounters. The maps, zones, and camera all have a similar feel to FFXI as well. Another cool feature is that if you want to play tactically, the game pauses each time you start to select an action for a character. While paused, you still have control to spin the camera around the character or switch to another character for their point of view on the battle, and to select from their actions.  The version of the game we are playing is  Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age. This is the  HD Remaster...

Sea of Thieves - Beginners Game Guide

Hello viewers, Unless you've been living under a rock for the past year or so, you have probably heard of a video game title being developed by Rare and Microsoft Studios called Sea of Thieves . It recently came out, and I've been playing to my heart's content. If there ever was a perfect pirate game, I'd have to give Sea of Thieves  that title. However, there are some things that aren't exactly clear as there's no in-game tutorial. I'll be helping you out with that today. Choosing your Pirate If you've never played Sea of Thieves , it starts you off in a character creation, or rather, selection screen. You have a few pirates that you can choose from. While they don't impact gameplay, you'll want to pick the one that fits you, as all your friends and foes will see that when you strike them down or help them up. Selecting your Vessel Once you've picked out your pirate, you'll need to select the ship you want to sail the...

Shadow Warrior (2013) - Game Review

Hello viewers, If you had an Xbox One gaming console and an Xbox Live Gold subscription in the month of February, you may have noticed a free game called Shadow Warrior (2013), which is an FPS (First Person Shooter) developed by Flying Wild Dog, that released on Microsoft Windows in 2013, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in 2014, and OS X and Linux in 2015. The full retail price was originally at $60, but can now be purchased for $29.99 if you weren’t able to pick up the game when it was free February 1-28th. Story The story of Shadow Warrior (2013) is straightforward but throws some curveballs your way when you least expect it. Starting out in the first cutscene, you can infer by the phone call Lo Wang makes to his powerful employer Orochi Zilla, that Wang is a mercenary that is trusted to do whatever it takes to get his contract completed. He is tasked with purchasing an ancient Katana called the Nobitsura Kage from a collector named Miyazaki for 2 million dollars. After his refusal, ...