
Showing posts from April, 2018

Final Fantasy XII - Escaping the Stilshrine of Mariam

Good evening, and welcome to this blog version of a Let's Play for Final Fantasy XII. Joe and I get together about once a week to play our favorite games, usually including a game from the Final Fantasy series, since they have at least a few games. The game of choice lately has been FFXII. Tonight is our 12th session for Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age for the PlayStation 4. Last week we explored an optional area called The Feywood. We also finished up a few monster hunts that we had on our list for a while.  Tonight we are going to continue the main story, and navigate the maze at Stilshrine of Miriam. I took a fair bit of pictures from our gaming session, and here's a collage of them I put together. Now before you get too excited about exploring a new area, we do have to make a pitstop at Paramin Rift. See, there's this pesky little monster there called the Trickster that killed us not once, but twice! It's time for it to go down! Knowing that we were c...

Inside Xbox - Episode 2

Good evening readers! The team over at Xbox has started a new program to further engage with their customers called Inside Xbox. Their inaugural broadcast was on March 10th and tonight is episode 2. I watched this live on by Xbox One Mixer, and now I will relay all the tasty details here. Coming Up ... Teasing at a backward compatibility update, they instead roll into an overview of what is in store for us tonight! Xbox Backwards Compatibility Bill Stillwell takes the stage and announces new original Xbox games that will be available to play on Xbox One in April. These games are actually improved automatically when they are played on Xbox One; smother framerates, increased resolution, just a fuller experience with the realization of the assets originally used. The list comes up on the screen with two; The Elder Scrolls II: Morrowind, and Breakdown. Both awesome games. But then the screen zooms out a little from those 2 games, and now there ar...