
Showing posts from 2013

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (2013) - Game Review

Lightning Returns:  Final Fantasy XIII ... I can't wait to explain how I love this game... or not: Okay, so even though the first Final Fantasy XIII had many areas that felt like corridors, I still loved it. I was less enthusiastic about FFXIII-2 due to the time jumping nature. In that game, I felt disconnected from the main story as though I didn't have a home. Each time we started a play session we had to spend 15 minutes trying to figure out what place/time to jump into in order to complete the next task. But now we have Final Fantasy XIII Lighting Returns. Just like Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi, Lighting is coming back with a vengeance to set the evil empire of lame games on its back heels. Will Lighting show the world that she can come back into the scene and restore the miss-steps of the previous installment?  You don't know how much I would like to say YES! Actually, my answer is a little more complicated than a yes or no. First, thi...